COVO offers programmes in two key areas:
The programmes cover difficulties accessing the curriculum, inclusion and bullying.
COVO provides bespoke transition programmes for whole classes, small groups and one-to-one support to help prepare and equip children with the skills and confidence to move smoothly from primary to secondary school.
Our programme involves a wide range of innovative, student-centred activities that develop emotional literacy and social skills.
It also includes sharing effective practice and expert advice with staff and supporting schools to develop integrated social and academic programmes to support transition.
Our courses
One day course | One-day training for the whole class and teaching/support staff. |
One/two term programme | This is aimed at supporting Year 6 children who are likely to experience social and emotional difficulties in their transition to secondary school. |
COVO uses a whole-school approach to transform children’s experience of playtime that promotes play as an important learning experience. Our approach involves children and staff fully in the decision-making process that leads to a new playground design and organisation. We run specialist training sessions with lunchtime staff that give them the skills and confidence they need both to introduce new activities into the playground at lunchtimes and to help them effectively manage playtime.
We engage children fully in the process through games, classroom activities and reflection-based activities. Our play and behaviour projects take existing school behaviour strategies into consideration and include mentoring for senior managers and ongoing support.
Our courses
One day course | Introduction to lunchtime activities for children and midday supervisors. |
One/two term programme | Training and mentoring children and staff in running play activities during lunchtime. |