Bespoke programmes in the key areas of playtime as a learning experience and support for the transition from primary to secondary.
Early Years
Workshops with children to develop their social and emotional skills alongside learning and with parents and carers to support their engagement.
Pupil Referral Units (PRUs)
An effective training programme tailored to PRUs with the aim of providing staff and young people with practical tools to address daily difficulties and issues and self-manage behaviour.
Secondary schools
Highly skilled behavioural intervention programmes for children/young people at risk of exclusion or with emotional and social difficulties.
INSET and CPD training
COVO training is tailored to the needs of those working with children and young people in educational settings and out of school provision. We support organisations to become ‘learning organisations’ by developing models of good practice based on emotional literacy and reflection. We deliver in-house training throughout the UK and provide off-site premises in south-east […]
COVO for Professionals
COVO training is tailored to the needs of those working with children and young people in educational settings and out of school provision. We support organisations to become ‘learning organisations’ by developing models of good practice based on emotional literacy and reflection. We deliver in-house training throughout the UK and provide off-site premises in south-east […]
Parents workshops
These workshops are intended for parents/carers of children in early years to increase understanding of children’s needs and learn how self-reflection improves parenting practices. The programme provides opportunities for parents to try out engaging activities at home through weekly tasks and to feed back their experiences and learning in the subsequent group sessions. The programme includes: […]